
Open House - February 20, 2018

**Please note: This open house was held on February 20, 2018. Since then, the project has undergone a number of design refinements based on local feedback. To review the current project proposal, please see Item #40 HERE

On February 20, 2018, we held an Open House to invite the public to learn more about the project and to comment on our preliminary design. Based upon this feedback as well as outreach meetings conducted locally, we are in the process of updating the project design. Once completed, we will be sharing the revised design with the public and involved stakeholders for feedback.

Open House - December 11, 2019


Approximately 40 members of the public, media and representatives from the state of NY attended two Informational Open House sessions held by Hecate Energy to inform the public about the 40 MW Coeymans Solar Farm. Attendees exhibited strong support for the project and were mostly interested in the layout and details.